
The Friends of the Community Library Welcomes YOU!

2024 Meetings of the Friends of the Community Library are held at the Library on March 16, June 8 (Annual Meeting), September 14, and December 14 at 10:30 AM.

Current and new members are encouraged to join us!

The Friends of the Community Library are proud to sponsor many programs at the Library. Here are just a few of the programs the Friends have sponsored:

  • Preschool Story Hour
  • Second Saturday Cinema
  • Battle of the Books
  • Summer Reading Programming
  • Trivia Night Prizes

As a Friend and/or Patron of The Community Library, we sincerely thank you for the past support, and ask that you seriously consider future involvement.

Fundraising activities of The Friends of The Community Library include:

  • Used Book Sales located in Library Basement
  • Snacks concession at Trivia Night on the last Thursday of each month.
  • Love Your Library Month-February 2024:  Book Sales
  • Richmondville Days Table :  Library information and Used Books
  • Basket Raffle in September:  Date to be Determined
  • Holidays Ornament Sales on Tree

As we go forward with a new, modern, and enhanced Library, it is essential that there be an active group of dedicated Friends, to help the Library continue to grow. Friends of the Library groups are independent non-profit organizations, separate and distinct from the Library and Library Board, but chartered for these purposes:

  • Create public support and awareness for the Library
  • Raise funds for capital campaigns and unbudgeted projects
  • Sponsor and support library programs and events
  • Do volunteer work in the library and on specific tasks and projects
  • Provide input for the library’s Board of Trustees.

2023/2024 Officers

President: Kim Walchko

Vice-Chairperson: Cathy Weidman

Secretary: Jody Pugh

Treasurer: Margaret Dafeldecker

Membership: Sally Stroh

Publicity: Vacant

Book Sale: Sally Stroh

logo of the friends of the community library
Friends member Cathy Weidman, Library Board President Ken Hotopp, and Youth Services Coordinator Courtney Little pose with an oversized donation check presented by the Friends to support the library's Battle of the Books programs.
a crowd gathered on the front lawn of the library awaiting the announcement of basket raffle winners
two female volunteers wrap a gift basket in cellophane in preparation for the basket raffle