Desktop Computers
The Community Library provides public access to six internet-enabled computers. Library cardholders can use the barcode on the back of their library cards to log into one of these computers. Visitors without a library card may purchase a guest pass for $1.00.
These computers can be used to print one-sided, black-and-white documents for 20 cents per page, or color copies for 50 cents per page.

Our combination copier/scanner is self-service, though library staff are available to help answer questions and provide guidance. The copier can copy two-sided documents in black-and-white or color. Black-and-white copies are 20 cents per page; color copies are 50 cents per page. The copier features a standard USB slot for a thumb drive, so patrons can print documents directly from a saved file.
The same device also allows for scanning of standard letter-sized pages to a USB-equipped thumb drive.

Laptop Computers
Patrons with a library card in good standing may check out one of our Chromebook laptops, which come with a charging cable and a neoprene carrying case. The circulation period for the laptops is seven days. The Chromebooks are wifi-enabled and allow access to the Google suite of office software application for making documents, slide shows, and spreadsheets.

Fax Machine
Our fax machine is self-service, with a phone handset on which users can follow spoken instructions on how to fax a document. The machine only accepts credit or debit cards, not cash. Faxing costs $1.75 for the first page and $1.00 for every page beyond the first one.